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Hide File Extension in File Name? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I've been using OmniGraffle for what seems like years, but I can't seem to find a way to suppress or turn off the display of the file extension when showing the file name. I'd like to be able to use the Document Name variable to insert the name of a document on a shared layer, but when I do that, it inserts the extension. Is there a way to make it not add the .graffle extension?

I'm also curious whi Omni have not replied to this thread yet.

Originally Posted by skeskali View Post

I've been using OmniGraffle for what seems like years, but I can't seem to find a way to suppress or turn off the display of the file extension when showing the file name. I'd like to be able to use the Document Name variable to insert the name of a document on a shared layer, but when I do that, it inserts the extension. Is there a way to make it not add the .graffle extension?

If you want to be sure Omni sees your question, you need to send it to them via Help->Send Feedback or email to Posting it on the forum does not send it to any particular Omni employee, and there is no guarantee that anyone will see it, much less respond or do something about it.

If you want your document name to not have a .graffle extension, why not save it without the extension?

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