Hi all! I have a pesky problem with Omnigraffle -- as I'm working in it it seems like I'm doing something (haven't been able to figure it out yet) that causes the tool I'm using to switch to the hand/grab tool and to get stuck there. I can move it around (and therefore move the canvas around) but I'm unable to switch to another tool, escape out of it, right or left click out of it, etc.
Silly problem I realize, but the only thing that works is doing a force quit of the application.
It seems to happen most often when I'm copying and pasting something and getting ready to drag the pasted object into place, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I'm running OmniGraffle 5.2.2 for Mac OSX.
Please help! This happens at least a couple of times a day and is very frustrating.
Silly problem I realize, but the only thing that works is doing a force quit of the application.
It seems to happen most often when I'm copying and pasting something and getting ready to drag the pasted object into place, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
I'm running OmniGraffle 5.2.2 for Mac OSX.
Please help! This happens at least a couple of times a day and is very frustrating.