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Auto-crop when exporting to pdf Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I am close to buying this app, since it works perfect for my mac. The only thing i need to know is if the diagrams are cropped when they are exported to pdf (like on the mac version)?

If not, can they easily be cropped?

I have to use the diagrams in latex, hence it is my preference that they are cropped so that there is no excess white outline.

Also, just to make sure, the exported pdf files are in vector format right? :)

I don't work for OmniGroup, but since nobody else has replied, I'll give it a shot. As long as you draw starting at the top left of the screen, they appear to be cropped. If you leave white space to the left and top, that appears in the image. I too use LaTeX and tried exporting an OmniGraffle for iPad document to PDF and including it in a LaTeX document. It appears to start at the top left of the page, but does not include much white space beyond the bottom right of the last object.

Yes, the PDF appears to be in vector format. I brought the PDF into Preview on my Mac and scaling it to 1600% and 10% looks good - not as if it were a scaled bitmap.

Before spending the $50, I'd email OmniGroup's support or sales team and ask your questions to be certain.
We read the forums as we're able, but also after we complete our other duties - the folks best equipped to answer this are currently chewing through the email that came in over the weekend. You're guaranteed a response if you add another email to that queue, though.

I know how this works in the Mac app, but I'm less sure about the iPad app. Rather than give you potentially bad info, I figure it's best to point you at the folks who are certain to know. :-)

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