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Nested context/project separator Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
When selecting a context or project for an action under the info "tab", I've noticed that for nested contexts or projects the name is given without any kind of separator, perhaps not even a space. So for example, if I have context "Publix" within "Errands" its is listed as "ErrandsPublix". I suppose I could resolve this by adding the separator myself to the enclosing context/project name, but that is suboptimal. Maybe there is some way to configure it that I haven't noticed? Alternately, it might be nice if the list instead of giving all contexts or projects, it just gave the top level ones and provided an arrow button to descend as is used elsewhere in the user interface.
Do you have the Mac program as well? There's a preference to set the separator character/string there (it will sync to the iPad), and it sounds like yours has been cleared out. If you don't have the Mac app, give the support ninjas a shout via email or phone and they can fix you up.
Thanks, I hadn't noticed that setting on the desktop version yet.

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