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Weekly review Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Last week my weekly review was delayed, so now I want to do a weekly review earlier than 7 days before, but nothing is up for review.

Can we please get a way to mark all ready for review ?

Otherwise I would have to se everything to be reviewed every 3-5 days, to make sure it pops up if move one review a couple of days
Originally Posted by povlhp View Post
Last week my weekly review was delayed, so now I want to do a weekly review earlier than 7 days before, but nothing is up for review.

Can we please get a way to mark all ready for review ?

Otherwise I would have to se everything to be reviewed every 3-5 days, to make sure it pops up if move one review a couple of days
I don't understand. Why is nothing up for review? Last time, did you not "do" the review but you marked everything as reviewed? Seems a better approach would be to NOT do that.
Nothing is up for review because he did the last one a few days later than he normally does, and that pushed back the schedule for this one. Say he normally does it on Monday morning, but last week it didn't happen until Wednesday—this week nothing is due for review until Wednesday.

Of course, if you've done a review late, or wish to do it earlier this week, you can simply bring up your project listing, march through the projects one by one doing everything you would do during a review except tapping the Mark Reviewed button, and next Monday (when everything is now more than a week since its last recorded review) do your review in the usual fashion to get back on schedule.

If you always review everything, it strikes me that the Mark Reviewed button doesn't provide much value, only when you don't review everything (perhaps because you have varying review cycles for different projects) does it really accomplish something.
I have logged a request to put everything up for review as I had a similar issue, but this would bring every single project to review, not just your weekly projects.

Since I logged the request, I use the review in a different way, and have set weekly projects to 4 day review in case I review late, or want to review early.

I suggest you use 4 day reviews for all projects in the meantimes.
I think that the review "Tab" in iPad version should have a badge number to indicate the number of projects to review. I have sent a feature request already, anyone agreeing should do the same.
I will admit to not doing reviews with the frequency that I should, so my ideas may not work well...

With that caveat, I essentially have three tiers of reviews. Weekly, monthly, quarterly.

All tasks I don't expect to do this week are paused. I do a weekly review to figure out what tasks need to be dealt with and what don't.

Monthly is for longer term stuff, and quarterly is really long term - essentially stuff I'd like to do but don't have the time / equipment /etc for right now.

I will likely end up in a position similar to the original poster if I do reviews as often as I should.

I know that my desired review behavior is very different from how OF works now, but I think that a small number of tiers makes a lot of sense for how many people view their projects.

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