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Context View: Can I Have My Contexts' Nestled From View? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Working out of contexts view is very valuable to me, whether on iOS or the Mac. I'm including a photo here of a particular perspective for my available contexts. In this perspective (one that I use quite a bit), on the left side, only my contexts that have available actions are shown; a feature I truly love, allowing me to not be distracted by other irrelevant contexts at the moment.

My concern however is, I'm wanting my the contexts in the main portion of OmniFocus to hide the available actions. I wish for them to be hidden unless I specifically click to expand that context and view the available actions. I believe this allows me to focus on one context and grind away at my work, rather than jumping from context to context, seeing what looks good or easy to do.

I'd appreciate any help or advice.

Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot 2011-06-22 at 3.16.24 PM.png
Views:	1039
Size:	81.8 KB
ID:	1932   Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot 2011-06-22 at 3.20.14 PM.png
Views:	1066
Size:	103.4 KB
ID:	1933  
If I'm correctly understanding what you're after, this is possible. Try the following in the perspective:

Collapse all the context headers to hide the actions.

Select Perspectives -> Show Perspectives from the menu bar.

Select the perspective in question in the sidebar of the Perspectives window.

Make sure the "Restore: Expansion" box is checked, then close the Perspectives window.

Select Perspectives -> Save Window As -> <Name of this Perspective> from the menu bar.

Does that do what you're looking for?
Originally Posted by Brian View Post
If I'm correctly understanding what you're after, this is possible. Try the following in the perspective:

Collapse all the context headers to hide the actions.

Select Perspectives -> Show Perspectives from the menu bar.

Select the perspective in question in the sidebar of the Perspectives window.

Make sure the "Restore: Expansion" box is checked, then close the Perspectives window.

Select Perspectives -> Save Window As -> <Name of this Perspective> from the menu bar.

Does that do what you're looking for?
Thank you Brian, this is exactly what I was looking for. One last question though. I'd really like to for my inbox/no context items to not be present in this context perspective. I'm fiddling around in the perspective pane but can't see any options.

Edit: The perspective instructions you provided worked flawlessly but the "no contexts" pane still exists and is opened.
If you click on the Contexts section of the sidebar before saving your perspective, the No Contexts portion should not appear, so long as you have Restore: Selection checked in the Perspectives window when you save it.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
If you click on the Contexts section of the sidebar before saving your perspective, the No Contexts portion should not appear, so long as you have Restore: Selection checked in the Perspectives window when you save it.
It does appear under the Contexts section, something i've been annoyed by for a while now.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot 2011-06-22 at 4.46.41 PM.png
Views:	939
Size:	89.7 KB
ID:	1934  
Yes, it does; but it doesn't appear in the outline section. Close the sidebar and you won't see it at all :-)
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Yes, it does; but it doesn't appear in the outline section. Close the sidebar and you won't see it at all :-)
I don't understand what you mean. The only way I know to close the side bar is to drag the line to the left, hiding the sidebar from view.. As for the outline section, I have no idea what you're talking about. I apologize for making it more complicated than i'm sure it is.
Yes, that's how you close the sidebar. The outline is everything that isn't the toolbar or the sidebar. Perhaps some pictures will help:

Is that not what you want?
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Yes, that's how you close the sidebar. The outline is everything that isn't the toolbar or the sidebar. Perhaps some pictures will help:

Is that not what you want?
Yes it is! Oh man, thank you so much. I really appreciate this a lot.

Thanks again!

It's ridiculous how much I love OmniFocus.

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