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Text Offset Problem when Opening Visio Files Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
When opening Visio files in OmniGraffle Pro, I always find the text associated with shapes is offset from where it appears when the file is viewed directly in Visio.

Specifically, the problem seems to be with the Y offset parameter. If the file is opened in OmniGraffle Pro and a shape with text is selected, the Y offset may (not always!) be a negative or positive integer value. The text position can be corrected by manually entering the negative of the observed Y offset. For example, if the observed Y offset is -14%, the first line of text will appear above the associated shape. Manually changing the Y offset +14% will move the text down to the correct position.

1. Why is the happening?
2. How can I automate the Y offset correction?

Last edited by; 2011-07-18 at 12:18 PM..
Welcome to the forums! Just wanted to let you know that (if you haven't done so already) emailing your question to our support ninjas is a good idea. We all browse the forums as we're able to on top of our other duties, but we can't guarantee that someone from any particular team will see a post right away.

(In this case, I saw your post, but I lack sufficient Visio- and OmniGraffle-Fu to answer the question.)

If you email the support ninjas, you're going to get a fast response from someone knowledgeable about the product you're inquiring about...
Yes, I also emailed a "support ninja" as received a response later the same day. You guys run a tight ship. Thanks!

After a bit more investigation, I determined that the text offset problem is associated the Visio "Box Callout" object. A box callout is essentially a text box with a "leader" line that point out from one corner or side. In Visio, the end of the leader line can be moved and the box can be resized; however, in OmniGraffle Pro, resulting object does not have quite the same behavior. Also the text associated with the Box Callout box is incorrectly offset from the center of the text box.

Last edited by; 2011-07-19 at 11:47 AM..

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