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Change default heading when sharing action via e-mail Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
The "waiting for" is an important part of my GTD workflow, ensuring that nothing falls between the cracks, and that I'm able to follow up the commitments I've delegated to others.

During weekly review, I run through my waiting-for list, which mostly consists of e-mails I have sent and waiting for response. Using this list, I can send reminders.

In my previous 'pre-of' world, I forwarded the original email with a request for response or status update.

In OF, I bcc the email so it also enters the OF inbox.

In order to complete this workflow in OF, I now 'share' the action with the recipient. Few (if any, yet) are using OF, so the import function makes no sense for them. But at least it would be great to drop/change the default heading "Action from Omnifocus" in the forwarded email. Both because it's in English ( and I work in Norway), and it confuses the recipient.

Is this possible? I can of couse manually change the heading for each email, but that's a bit counter-productive...
Welcome to the forums! I'm not aware of a way to customize the subject of those emails, but if you email the support ninjas, we can make sure that idea gets recorded.

(For info on why we handle feature requests this way, check this thread. Thanks!)

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