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Annoyance with left hand pane Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I did some searching in the forums but could not find a solution to this...

The left hand part of Omnifocus that has the project tree and inbox allows you to resize it by sliding it right/left by dragging the vertical border line between the areas but when I click on contexts and then back to projects the width that I resized under projects is reset.

How do I set it so that my resizing of the left hand pane is set so I don't have to keep resizing it every time I look at something other than projects?

Originally Posted by Doug0915 View Post
I did some searching in the forums but could not find a solution to this...

The left hand part of Omnifocus that has the project tree and inbox allows you to resize it by sliding it right/left by dragging the vertical border line between the areas but when I click on contexts and then back to projects the width that I resized under projects is reset.

How do I set it so that my resizing of the left hand pane is set so I don't have to keep resizing it every time I look at something other than projects?

It should stay and not need to be constantly adjusted.

Note though that perspectives save information, and they can save window layout. So if you have a bunch of perspectives that save the window layout and have different pane sizes... what you're experiencing will keep happening.
Originally Posted by CatOne View Post
It should stay and not need to be constantly adjusted.

Note though that perspectives save information, and they can save window layout. So if you have a bunch of perspectives that save the window layout and have different pane sizes... what you're experiencing will keep happening.
Ahh! I was using the default. I did not realize I had to take a snapshot of my projects perspective in order for it to stick.


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