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Editing existing lines of text and copy pasting from one outline to another Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hi there:

I think I'm going to really like this app once I get over this little hump. Currently, to edit a line in the middle of an outline I'm faced with a pop up list of Pre existing line items or the option to create a whole new one. I can't fix a typo on one line without deleting and re writing the line. Really?

I would also like to insert a chunk of outline from one document to another (essentially insert a lesson plan into a course outline if that makes it clearer).

I'm sure I've just missed some basic operation despite poring over the tutorial and scanning this forum.

Many thanks!

Welcome to the forums, Spencer! To edit an existing item, tap it once to select the row, then tap it agan after a short pause. You'll see the text cursor activate in whatever cell the second tap lands on.

To copy a single row, just tap-and-hold on it, then select "Copy" from the contextual popover. ("Paste" is another option here.)

To select multiple rows, tap the edit button, then tap the grey disk that appears at the right edge of each row's topic. The disk will turn blue and that row will be added to your selection. Once you have the rows in question selected, you can use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to cut/copy/delete them all.

Hope this helps!
Actually, it sounds like the column you're trying to edit is a pop-up column. If that isn't what you want, you can switch it to a rich text column by tapping on the column header, selecting Edit, and then picking "Rich Text" from the list.
Thanks Derek and Brian,

I had a great email correspondence with Monica R who helped me discern the difference between the pop ups and the rich text columns. I've redone the document, and pretty much figured out how to copy paste chunks from one outline to another. My next goal would be to insert mp3 or jpgs or even video (like I can in pages) into the outline but I don't know if this is possible. Should I start another thread?
OmniOutliner's "attachments" feature sounds like what you're looking for. Feel free to ask more questions here, in another, thread, or to Monica as needed. :-)

(Just in case you read this over the weekend, OmniOutliner's Help menu material covers attachments and may be of some assistance.)
Okay then. So i did a quick look at the help section and couldn't find an attachements section. Can you walk me through it?

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