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Unable to assign tasks to a project. Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm using OF 1.5.1 for iPad. When I try to assign a task in the In Box to a specific project, the task remains in the In Box. The task will not move to the project I assigned it to, even though the correct project is displayed in the project field of the Info window. This situation only happens with tasks in the In Box, and it has only recently become a problem. Might this be a bug in OF for iPad 1.5.1? HELP PLEASE!

Last edited by kaipo726; 2012-03-31 at 03:16 AM.. Reason: Forgot to list which app and version.
Do you also have a context assigned?
No, no context is assigned to the tasks.
I figured it out! I was having the same problem in Omnifocus for Mac. I had to change the Cleanup setting preferences in OF Mac to: Clean Up Inbox items which have [Either a Project or a Context]. I had it set to [Both a Project and a Context]. Working like a charm now.

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