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latex and OO Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I haven't used OO3eq in a while, it is not on my system anymore. It seems like the link on the OO scripts page doesn't work for me.

Is anybody here using oo3eq this with OO3 (ideally under 10.8.x)?

Are there other similar solutions?

I found a thread in the forum from 2012, but it seems like the relevant links there don't exist either?

Compared to pasting from iLaTeXIt, I always liked to have the latex source in the notes, and the result pasted as a graphic.

Again, I'd appreciate pointers to solutions!

Thanks for your help!
Does OO3 not support LinkBack with iLaTeXiT? The LaTeX source would be recalled from the embedded graphic.

Hi DrJJWMac,

I am not sure if I understand what you mean with "link backs" and "recalled". Could you expand a little?

AFAIK, this is supposedly taken over by OmniGroup ...

No, we haven't taken over LinkBack.
My apologies for the misunderstanding.

This sounds like a great and useful idea - however both the git repository and the webpage seem a bit dated... so I am a little worried, also in the light of compatibility to OmniOutliner 4...

are there any other options ?!?

Did you ever figure out a solution?

I as well like the idea of keeping the latex source in the notes, then having something loop through the notes and paste the graphic back in the cell.

This is something I tried to figure out myself using applescript but didn't get very far.
Unfortunately, I do not have a solution. Also, I haven't tried very much... but I would still be interested... ;-) Sorry.

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