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Creating a New Nested Context Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have contexts listed as Home > Computer

Let's say I am creating a task/action, and I want it to be in a new context called Home > Phone.

Is there a way for me to create this while in the action? If I wanted to create another top level item, I could do so by Just typing in work then command enter. But I haven't figured out a way to do this with nested contexts.
You probably tried typing "Home > Phone", greater-than sign and all, into the Quick Entry window, like I did. I think that's how it should work, but it doesn't (yet?).
I haven't figured out how to create nested contexts on the fly either. So I've just been creating new top-level contexts, then rearranging the contexts later in the context view sidebar.
Just create a top-level context and organize it later. I can't imagine a situation that someone would add nested contexts so often that it warrants a special keyboard-only shortcut.
Originally Posted by dansays
Just create a top-level context and organize it later. I can't imagine a situation that someone would add nested contexts so often that it warrants a special keyboard-only shortcut.
...It's easy if you try,...

...It isn't hard to do,...

You may say Im a dreamer,
but Im not the only one,
I hope some day you'll join us,
and the world will be as one.

Sigh... there has got to be a term for GTD ego, I'm seeing it more and more on the boards.

I have my contexts split into two top level contexts... home and work... so the only time I am adding contexts is in a nested context.
If you're using contexts in the traditional sense, how often are you really adding new ones? Mine change every once in a while, but certainly not enough that I need a complex keyboard shortcut syntax for adding them on the fly. Then again, it's probably just a function of my massive ego.
Originally Posted by dansays
If you're using contexts in the traditional sense, how often are you really adding new ones? Mine change every once in a while, but certainly not enough that I need a complex keyboard shortcut syntax for adding them on the fly. Then again, it's probably just a function of my massive ego.
Did you know there was already a 'complex' keyboard shortcut for adding a context?

How is your input helping in any way? You think that your 'solutions', which really aren't solutions, they are more just typing about how to do things that anyone using OmniFocus knows, but I fail to see why you think you are being helpful in any way? Maybe you're just practicing typing?

In the first place, your 'solution' was already stated by the post above you.
In the second place, you aren't saying anything.

Thus my conclusion that the only reason you are offering your input is because you want to have an appearance that you know something.

It's like me going to an auto mechanic, and telling them there is a strange sound when I press on the gas pedal while turning right.

And you jump in and say, I can't imagine why anyone needs to turn right while pushing the gas pedal. Just push the gas pedal and don't turn right.
Originally Posted by SpiralOcean
Did you know there was already a 'complex' keyboard shortcut for adding a context?
No, there's a simple keyboard shortcut for adding a context. Making it complex to cover a handful of edge cases seems like a waste of resources. That's my opinion, but of course, expressing any opinion that differs from yours will be written off as ego, and pushing back when you stoop to insulting me will result in more insults.

I'm done. I've fed the trolls enough today.
Yes, you may not add new contexts often, but I'd like this for adding nested projects which is more frequent. It would make sense to offer the same thing in the context input.

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