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Parsing email? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I'm confused about how to get OmniFocus to parse email. Is it possible to tell it to parse all email that's sent to a particular address? For example, if I setup and alias it to my personal account, can I tell omni focus to parse all that email?

The help is still somewhat empty on that regard.
Right now you can set it up to grab email that has "+omnifocus" in the To line (as in "") or with a prefix in the subject line ("--task>project@context").

If you find easier, you could certainly set that up as an alias for your normal address with "+omnifocus" added in.
CTO, The Omni Group
Originally Posted by Tim Wood View Post
Right now you can set it up to grab email that has "+omnifocus" in the To line (as in "") or with a prefix in the subject line ("--task>project@context").

If you find easier, you could certainly set that up as an alias for your normal address with "+omnifocus" added in.
I tried creating "" as an alias in .Mac but unfortunately "+" is not an accepted character. I suspect it won't work for email accounts in .Mac as well. Any possibility to simply parse for "omnifocus" from "meomnifocus.mac" instead?
Ouch; I've logged <bug://bugs/43480> (More options for 'To' matching in Mail integration).
CTO, The Omni Group
For what it's worth, once OmniFocus creates the rule in Mail, it seems you can edit it as you like. So, OF initially creates a rule to look for messages addressed to "". Then you can modify it (in Mail, not OF) to look for messages sent to "".

My email provider does support plus-addressing, but I just didn't want to have to type "+omnifocus". It's faster for me to just send a note to "todo," and besides, "omnifocus" is not meaningful to me in the context of "just wanting to put an action on my list." I shouldn't have to think about OmniFocus at all until I get back to my main computer and start using it.
Originally Posted by akelley View Post
I tried creating "" as an alias in .Mac but unfortunately "+" is not an accepted character. I suspect it won't work for email accounts in .Mac as well. Any possibility to simply parse for "omnifocus" from "meomnifocus.mac" instead?
You don't need to create a separate alias. Mail to "" will get delivered to I just verified with my own .Mac account.

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