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Email item format not parsing correctly Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes


I'm attempting to use the email format for populating a task via email.

I am entering the following in the body of the text:

-- Action > Project @ Context
blah blah blah note

After processing the mail rule, OF displays this:

Task: Action > Project @ Context Project:[blank] Context:[blank] [note]

I.e. It's parsing the "--" like it's trying, but fails on everything, except the Notes icon pops and the "blah blah blah note" is being correctly thrown into a Note.

I also tried cutting and pasting from the example in the documentation and it's not working either.

What am I screwing up?
Do you have a project and context that match the given names you used? They don't have to match exactly; OmniFocus' Mail parsing uses the same completion matching code that is used in the interface so if you have a Context called "Home Office", you could use "hoff" as the Context.

OmniFocus will not create projects and contexts when parsing Mail right now as we don't want to create clutter if you've accidentally misspelled something; if you find this irksome, let us know with Help > Send Feedback so we can consider it for the future.
CTO, The Omni Group

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