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Project context menu: "Complete" vs. "Completed" Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
If you right-click on a project, two of the menu options are "Complete" and "Completed". What's the difference? They seem completely redundant. If there's some difference between them, then they're poorly worded.
My reaction was the same as yours until I thought about it a bit more. Here's my quick take on it:

"Complete" is an operation performed on an action (i.e. complete the item). It is the equivalent of clicking an action's checkbox, as "Set Flag" is the equivalent of clicking on an action's flag button. You can apply these operations to Projects as well, and they will act on all actions in that Project. Just because all of the actions in a Project are marked as "Complete", however, does not necessarily mean the Project is "Completed".

"Completed" is one of the four states a Project can be in (Active, On Hold, Completed, or Dropped). The "Completed" state cannot be applied to an action, and putting a Project in the "Completed" state only marks the Project as "Complete" (i.e. marks its checkbox) but not the contained actions.

I agree that the wording here can be confusing. Maybe the project state should be called "Done" instead of "Completed", or maybe the operation should be "Set Complete" to match the "Set Flag" operation?

Do you have any better suggestions?
However, since I don't see the "Complete" option doing anything when applied to a project, I think it should not be shown in the Project's context menu, the same way completed does not show in a tasks context menu.

I'd consider this a bug, and suggest the OP file it as a bug with Omni.

ptone: Yeah, I think you're right. I could have sworn this was working earlier tonight, but it clearly isn't now. With the Inspectors open, I can see what looks like a timestamp flash in the Completed field, but then the value disappears and nothing else happens. Hmm, strange.
We agree that it's currently confusing, and plan to remove one of those two items from the contextual menu for projects.
My own vote would be to remove the "complete" item.

You have to keep the other static state status items (on hold, etc) so you might as well nuke the verb version.

I agree with ptone.

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