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Is it possible to search the sidebar to quickly find a project or folder? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Before sending a request, I thought I'd ask this question to make sure I haven't missed something. Basically, it would be great to do a quick search for projects (so as to jump straight to a project) or folders, much as can currently be done on the task window.

Is this possible at the moment and, if so, how?
There is no way to do this right now that I know of, but there should soon be a way to do this for at least projects.

You would click on the library, type your search string in the search field, and then use the hopefully returning "Reveal in Sidebar" menu item:

Originally Posted by ptone View Post
There is no way to do this right now that I know of, but there should soon be a way to do this for at least projects.

You would click on the library, type your search string in the search field, and then use the hopefully returning "Reveal in Sidebar" menu item:

Did this ever get fixed? I really need to find a project, and I'm completely stumped. Yes, it comes up when the Library is selected and I use Find search for it, but I have hundreds of projects and dozens of Folders--I don't see any "Reveal in Sidebar" anywhere, and I really need to find the folder location to see where the project lives.

Please, if anyone has information on this and can post. Thanks!
Never mind--I figured it out. Here is the procedure:

1. Click on Library in the sidebar.
2. Type a searchstring in the search window
3. When the project gets displayed in the big window, click on it to select it.
4. Click on the "View" menu.
5. Click on "Focus on [ProjectName]".
6. Click on the Project in the Sidebar to select and put the focus on it.
7. Click on the Show All icon.
8. Scroll SLOWLY down through your list of projects and folders in the Sidebar until you find it.

Frankly, 8 steps seems like a LOT of work to find a project in the Sidebar.
There is a better way:

1) Click on Library in the Sidebar
2) Type the search string
3) From the 'View' bar select 'Group Projects by Folder', or select 'View>Grouping>Folder' if you prefer to keep the View bar hidden
Not sure if this will help but with the help of some on this board I developed two scripts that you can put on the two bar to go directly to a folder. Essentially one step

tell application "OmniFocus"
	set MyDoc to default document
	tell MyDoc
		display dialog "Enter Project to Jump to" buttons {"Cancel", "Jump"} default button 2 default answer "" with title "Jump"
		if button returned of result is "Jump" then
			set ProjectString to text returned of result
			set MyProjectArray to complete ProjectString as project maximum matches 1
			set MyProjectID to id of first item of MyProjectArray
			set ThisProject to project id MyProjectID
			set newW to make document window with properties {focus:{ThisProject}, selected view mode identifier:"project", search term:""}
			set (selected smart group identifier of sidebar of newW) to "remaining-projects"
			set selected task state filter identifier of content of newW to "incomplete"
			-- set selected task state filter identifier of content of newW to "all"
		end if
	end tell
end tell
And this one will jump to a folder

tell application "OmniFocus"
	set MyDoc to default document
	tell MyDoc
		display dialog "Enter Folder to Jump to" buttons {"Cancel", "Jump"} default button 2 default answer "" with title "Jump"
		if button returned of result is "Jump" then
			set ProjectString to text returned of result
			set MyProjectArray to complete ProjectString as project maximum matches 1
			set MyProjectID to id of first item of MyProjectArray
			set ThisProject to project id MyProjectID
			set ThisFolder to container of ThisProject
			set newW to make document window with properties {focus:{ThisFolder}, selected view mode identifier:"project", search term:""}
			set (selected smart group identifier of sidebar of newW) to "remaining-projects"
			set selected task state filter identifier of content of newW to "incomplete"
			-- set selected task state filter identifier of content of newW to "all"
		end if
	end tell
end tell
That is the beauty of OmniFocus, anything missing can probably be scripted.

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