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Export to Word, Import to Pages Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I tried last night to export to MS Word format and then open that within Pages '08. Pages '08 failed to open the document and suggested it wasn't a valid file format.

As OmniO should write a valid MS Word file and Pages '08 should read a valid MS Word file has anyone noticed a problem with this kind of workflow? I ended up having to export to RTF as the intermediate format and it failed to maintain some of the formatting that I was after.

Any thoughts?
Originally Posted by Mike B View Post
I tried last night to export to MS Word format and then open that within Pages '08. Pages '08 failed to open the document and suggested it wasn't a valid file format.

As OmniO should write a valid MS Word file and Pages '08 should read a valid MS Word file has anyone noticed a problem with this kind of workflow? I ended up having to export to RTF as the intermediate format and it failed to maintain some of the formatting that I was after.

Any thoughts?
My guess is that given that Word format is a proprietary binary format with costs attached, OO is doing what Nisus and Scrivener do, which is write an RTF file with a Word creator code and a .doc extension ... that is valid as far as Word is concerned but evidently not with Pages. Presumably, Pages sees the .doc extension and the creator, and looks for a binary file and chokes on the text file.

I haven't even bothered to try recently, but Nisus used to choke on .docs exported from Pages!

Hi Mike-

As the export title says, OO exports to "MS Word (HTML)". This is actually an HTML file formatted specifically for Word's outline view. It's not encoding as a Word .doc file. Sorry for the confusion!

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