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Due Soon not reporting Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I didn't refresh the topic list prior to posting. This issue is handled in another post. Hopefully, this will be fixed soon. I don't see a way to delete the entire posting.

I've purchased the mobile version and the Desktop version of OmniFocus. When I enter a task and make it due within the next 3 days, it doesn't show up on the Due Soon line on the Home page. If I select Contexts, I can see that several items are Due Soon in several different contexts. (Projects doesn't have the same capabilities apparently as nothing notes that anything is Due Soon in that view.)

I can't figure out why the Due Soon from the Home screen is not working correctly. I've adjusted the Settings to Dues soon means 3 days. Again, in the Context view, there is notification of Due Soon items. However, the home screen doesn't happen.

Flagged items seem to be reporting as expected.

I'm using the software on a 16GB iPod touch. Syncing with a Mac running 10.5.4.(Syncing is set up via Leopard WebDAV server running locally) I'm using the SneakyPeak version 1.1 (v77.7.0.103077).

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Last edited by Smhearty; 2008-07-20 at 10:14 AM.. Reason: didn't refresh the topic list
Sorry! We've fixed a bug for version 1.0.2 where actions wouldn't always show up as due on schedule.
As Ken forgot to mention it - there will be a delay before any updates to OmniFocus appear on the iTunes App Store as they need to be passed as safe to distribute by Apple first and it seems like it is taking them a long time to do this (1.0.1 hasn't even appeared yet!). This applies to all apps, btw, not just OmniGroup's.

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