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Is there a way to run reports in Omnifocus, or any addons that I could use?

I'd like to be able to run a query that shows me all of the tasks I completed between two dates. This would be awesome for filling out timesheets.
You can't do exactly what you ask without writing some Applescript. However, you may not need to do that, if you are willing to assume that the present is one endpoint of the reporting interval, and the other endpoint is in the recent past.

I have a perspective that shows me items completed today. Here are the view bar settings:

I have the Completed Today group open in this perspective, and the others closed. If I wanted to look at more than one day, I would probably change the sort to Completed instead of Project.

You've got a couple of options at this point. You could print or export the contents of that group on a daily basis as documentation for the status report. Another option would be to print or export the contents of as many groups as you need to open to cover the time in question (here you would probably want to sort by date completed as I suggested, and do not group, giving you a chronological list from most recent to least recent).

If you are comfortable with Applescript, or willing to learn, you could write a script that traverses the database looking for completed actions between the dates you specify. If you do that, please post the script to the OmniFocus extras forum.
Ah, this works quite well. But, it would be nice if I could add a column to show the completed date/time. For items "completed last week" it would be nice to be able to see this stuff.

Oops, if I export it as HTML, it actually shows the completed date. But it doesn't show it within the view in the app.

I was looking at writing something that used Xquery on the .xml database. Maybe I'll get around to it someday.
Also, use Help --> Send Feedback to submit a request for showing this column.

I specialize in answers involving things you can do with the current product, not what you might be able to do when some other feature arrives in the distant future :-)

You could directly read from the (cached) database using sqlite3 if you know SQL and can puzzle out the encoding of the various values in the tables. I don't know if it is easy to rummage around with Xquery in OmniFocus databases. One potential sticking point is that your database is rarely contained in a single XML file.

As Curt says, if you want a date completed column (or anything else), ask for it with Help->Send Feedback to get your request officially noted.

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