If an applescripter would find this helpful, I would welcome a script that duplicated the selected row (next action).
For example, I might want to make minor changes in a next action.
Discuss proposal with Fred.
Discuss proposal with Jack.
Discuss proposal with Mary.
Or, I might want to check something off as complete, such as call Frank 858-9658, but since I didn't actually talk to Frank on the phone, I want to duplicate the task because I have to do it again.
Tim Wood made this applescript for omnioutliner:
tell application "OmniOutliner Professional"
set MyDoc to front document
set FirstRowID to id of first selected row of MyDoc
set FirstRow to a reference to row id FirstRowID of MyDoc
set MyRowIDs to id of every selected row of MyDoc
repeat with MyRowIndex from 1 to count of MyRowIDs -- force forward loop
set MyRowID to item MyRowIndex of MyRowIDs
duplicate row id MyRowID of MyDoc to before FirstRow
end repeat
end tell
For example, I might want to make minor changes in a next action.
Discuss proposal with Fred.
Discuss proposal with Jack.
Discuss proposal with Mary.
Or, I might want to check something off as complete, such as call Frank 858-9658, but since I didn't actually talk to Frank on the phone, I want to duplicate the task because I have to do it again.
Tim Wood made this applescript for omnioutliner:
tell application "OmniOutliner Professional"
set MyDoc to front document
set FirstRowID to id of first selected row of MyDoc
set FirstRow to a reference to row id FirstRowID of MyDoc
set MyRowIDs to id of every selected row of MyDoc
repeat with MyRowIndex from 1 to count of MyRowIDs -- force forward loop
set MyRowID to item MyRowIndex of MyRowIDs
duplicate row id MyRowID of MyDoc to before FirstRow
end repeat
end tell