I find myself going back and forth between the resource view and the task view again and again and again and again...
So what would be really great would be two things:
1. Have a command key that switches to the other view. Not Command-Option-1 and -2, but one command key that whichever I'm in goes to the other.
2. It already seems to be the case that selecting a task in one view and switching has it selected in the other view, but the project doesn't scroll to show it. It should do that, placing the selected task(s) as close to the center of the display as possible.
Also, it would be great to have no limits on what you can do in a view. I want to be able to Catch Up and Reschedule and simply drag events to schedule them in the resource view.
The way to handle dragging in the resource view (IMHO) is this: allow me to drag to reschedule until I drag into another resource. Then the dates become fixed at the original values. So I can drag to reschedule in one resource, or drag to another resource, but not both in one drag. Perhaps holding down the option key would let me do both at once if I'm feeling dangerous, I suppose.
I'd also like to be able to drag a task to a particular resource in the resource list on the left, rather than have to drag it through the main display. That way if I'm dragging from the last resource to the first, I have a better chance of being able to do it in one drag without having to scroll.
So what would be really great would be two things:
1. Have a command key that switches to the other view. Not Command-Option-1 and -2, but one command key that whichever I'm in goes to the other.
2. It already seems to be the case that selecting a task in one view and switching has it selected in the other view, but the project doesn't scroll to show it. It should do that, placing the selected task(s) as close to the center of the display as possible.
Also, it would be great to have no limits on what you can do in a view. I want to be able to Catch Up and Reschedule and simply drag events to schedule them in the resource view.
The way to handle dragging in the resource view (IMHO) is this: allow me to drag to reschedule until I drag into another resource. Then the dates become fixed at the original values. So I can drag to reschedule in one resource, or drag to another resource, but not both in one drag. Perhaps holding down the option key would let me do both at once if I'm feeling dangerous, I suppose.
I'd also like to be able to drag a task to a particular resource in the resource list on the left, rather than have to drag it through the main display. That way if I'm dragging from the last resource to the first, I have a better chance of being able to do it in one drag without having to scroll.