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Setting "off hours" don't work on version 2.0. Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Hello all,

I downloaded the version 2.0 after using the version 1.0 for the last 7 months.

One thing that was very easy on version 1.0. was to set up "Off time for a resource".

In version 2.0. I am only allowed to add "extras hours" (See screen shot) but it do not allow me to take time off!

I have try to find the answer by myself and on the forum but did not found anything.

I just wrote to so hopefully I will get help soon.

Please help me! I have to manage summer holiday for the team.

Thanks and have a nice day!
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Omniplan_OffTime_jpeg.jpg
Views:	2052
Size:	133.9 KB
ID:	1982  
Hold down the shift key when dragging out a block of hours.
Thank you so much whpalmer4!!!
[/LIST]Is there any documentation where I can find this kind of information?

I read the complete PDF for version 1.0 but did not found the documentation for version 2.0.

Thanks again!
There is a mention of this in the OmniPlan Help, under Details, then "Using the Calendar view to set up working hours". It's near the bottom. We talked about ways to make this more discoverable, and we ended up deciding to put it into the documentation. We're open to ideas on making this easier to find.

Joel R
Software Test Pilot
Originally Posted by joelr View Post
There is a mention of this in the OmniPlan Help, under Details, then "Using the Calendar view to set up working hours". It's near the bottom. We talked about ways to make this more discoverable, and we ended up deciding to put it into the documentation. We're open to ideas on making this easier to find.

Joel R
Software Test Pilot
Hello Joel,

Thanks for your reply.

Could you please let me know where I can download the documentation? I would like to read the whole thing so I don't miss anything.

Seems to me that it showed up in a tooltip, as well, but I'm traveling with iPad only, so can't verify that. But, in general, if you know how to do one thing, and want to do something that is complementary, doing the same thing with a modifier key held down (shift, command, option) is a reasonable starting guess.
I searched "vacation" and "off-hours" in the help and didn't find it. Works great and could use a bump in findability

how about when i right click on a time-block i get the options to set time block as "extra" or "off?"

or add a button for "add extra time" and "add time off."

anything other than shift-drag.
This just caught me out too - didn't find any help or even mention of "off hours" (v 2.0.3) but I did this page.

My first instinct was to use alt when dragging rather than shift.

Would this work: I you start dragging in the green area then you're probably trying to add an exception and vice-versa.
Originally Posted by joelr View Post
There is a mention of this in the OmniPlan Help, under Details, then "Using the Calendar view to set up working hours". It's near the bottom. We talked about ways to make this more discoverable, and we ended up deciding to put it into the documentation. We're open to ideas on making this easier to find.

Joel R
Software Test Pilot
This still isn't obvious enough. I just downloaded omniplan 2 and could not figure this out without resorting to using google. When I try using the OP help menu search for "off" I don't get any useful hint. Nor do I see any hints when I'm looking at the Calendar view which is the logical place to put such a hint. Not good.

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