With the backup and mobileme sync, I fully trust OmniFocus with my data.
I LOVE the way I can organize projects and create dependencies.
I like how it the context lists work but sometimes I wish I could reorder actions within them.
The only thing that I'm really missing in OmniFocus is the ability to create an ordered list of actions that I need to do today.
The way I work with Omnifocus now requires me to go from context list to context list looking for things that I need to do which means I have to reevaluate each list everytime I look at them. I'm very busy and this is kind of exhausting. It would be awesome if I could choose the actions that I'm going to do (out of any project or context) and place them in the order I need to do them so I have a single, correctly ordered list to work from. Is this possible in OmniFocus? I follow the GTD method very closely (just to head off those that say there is no such thing in GTD) but find that only looking through context lists keeps me from building a focused plan for the day. Any advice would be great! Maybe there is another way I can solve my problem without at "Today" list. Thanks for listening.
I LOVE the way I can organize projects and create dependencies.
I like how it the context lists work but sometimes I wish I could reorder actions within them.
The only thing that I'm really missing in OmniFocus is the ability to create an ordered list of actions that I need to do today.
The way I work with Omnifocus now requires me to go from context list to context list looking for things that I need to do which means I have to reevaluate each list everytime I look at them. I'm very busy and this is kind of exhausting. It would be awesome if I could choose the actions that I'm going to do (out of any project or context) and place them in the order I need to do them so I have a single, correctly ordered list to work from. Is this possible in OmniFocus? I follow the GTD method very closely (just to head off those that say there is no such thing in GTD) but find that only looking through context lists keeps me from building a focused plan for the day. Any advice would be great! Maybe there is another way I can solve my problem without at "Today" list. Thanks for listening.