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Customizing views with multiple criteria Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes

I'm somewhat certain that this is not possible in one view/perspective, but if there is a way I welcome any feedback or input on how to accomplish this. I even welcome thoughts on how to accomplish outside of OF, even though the master data lives in OF of course.

I use OF as a blend of GTD and more traditional task-tracking (with some dates). So some tasks are keyed by when they start, others when they are due, and some from weekly or daily reviews.

Is there any way in OF to create a view of tasks based upon multiple un-related criteria, e.g., task that are:

1 - flagged (i.e. "needs attention") OR
2 - start-date <= today (i.e. "I should have started this by now) OR
3 - end-date <= today + some-number (i.e. "this is either due or will be due in a period I define"

The idea is to bring into view stuff that either I or the system (by use of start and due dates) says needs attention. Many thanks in advance for any thoughts.

~ Bruce
There is no way to do OR that I am aware of.

I would like to have a perspective that is "Due Soon OR Flagged" but I don't think it's possible. As such, I have to look at two perspectives (one for each) at the mo'

I'd love to be wrong on this, but I don't think I am :-) It's a common request.
I'm pretty sure that we've got a feature request open on these sorts of compound-query perspectives; folks that would like to add their voice to the request should send email to so the support ninjas can add their emails to the development database.

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