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Context for Single Action List? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I am wondering if it possible to assign a context to a single-action list? Say for instance I want to create a single action that is "Call grandma to arrange visit." That's not part of a project - it's just one single item. But when I create it as a single-action list, I can't seem to assign it to the "phone" context - the context box doesn't show up as I'm creating the list. I must be missing something because obviously some of your single-action lists will be useful sorted by context and I can't imagine this is impossible, but what am I doing wrong? Any advice would be appreciated!
You can always set the context for a single action list in the inspector. Any new action you create in that single action list will have that context if you don't specify one.
Thanks. That is helpful, but when I set a context for a given single-action list that way, the single-action list still doesn't show up in that context in the context view. So, for instance, if I set up a "call Phil" single-action list, and then use the Inspector to assign "Phone" as the context, when I then click on "Contexts" in the toolbar to view all the contexts and the tasks assigned to them, "call Phil" isn't showing up under "Phone." Am I missing something?
A single action list is just like a project, not an action. It is provided for keeping collections of miscellaneous actions that aren't part of a larger project. If you wouldn't make a "Call Phil" project, you probably shouldn't make a "Call Phil" single action list, either. Instead, create a single action list called Miscellaneous and put your odds and ends in it.

Some of us also use SALs for Areas of Responsibility (a fancy name for a project that doesn't end).

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