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All Caps again Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Previously, it was suggested that the service called WordService by DEVON Technologies can be used to make selected text All Caps and it works for single selections, but it doesn't seem to work when the whole document is selected, at least version 2.6 and 2.7 of WordService under Leopard. Does anyone have a alternative, maybe a AppleScript that will do an entire document?

It does work, but there are some things you need to watch for when using it.

First, you'll want to turn off status check boxes and row handles in the inspector while using it. Otherwise, you'll get some extra columns added and some dots added to the text, and generally it won't be what you would want.

Second, OO when pasting in new rows will insert them after where you have the cursor, and WordService works by pasting back your altered content, so you get what appears to be only half of your file converted:




(using the Convert->All Caps service). If you did the same thing in TextEdit, for example, you would just get the converted content. Just go select the original material again and delete it.

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