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Strange behavior with groups in timeline Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm still evaluating OmniPlan, and I'm noticing a behavior that I don't understand. If you create some tasks and put them into two groups, the timeline shows the group indicator being as long as the sum of the individual tasks. If you then adjust the working hours in the calendar, (for example, cutting the working day in half), the timeline changes to show that the tasks will now take longer. However, the tasks now take MORE time than the group to which they belong. That is, the tasks are now further to the right on the timeline than the group indicator to which they belong.

This makes no sense to me. How can the group of tasks be done before the tasks that are in the group are done? Why doesn't the group indicator in the timeline update to match the changes to the tasks within the group?

The only way around this, that I have found is to change the dates in the project information in the inspector from specific, to undetermined, and back to specific. Then, both the tasks and their containing groups match in length.
Bah! You're right. I'm surprised you're the first to report that (that I'm aware of, anyway).

All the proper data is in there, this is really just a matter of the UI not refreshing to update a new reality. If you save the file, then File -> Revert To Saved all will be as it should be. And we'll fix the refresh in an upcoming release.


Can you tell that "planning" for me means changing the amount of time I have to work on something? :)

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