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Applescript: Loop through all open tasks Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Sorry for asking that basic question, but I looked through the whole forum and have not found an answer to this:
how can I loop through ALL tasks of the whole database - not just the tasks of a perspective or a project, and not just the tasks I previously selected. What I'd like to do:
Some tasks I import (from mail or OmniOutliner) possess a due date that is set to midnight. I'd like to run a script every day that changes the due date to some time in the early evening.

It would be nice if someone could give me a hint for that.

Thanks for your help.
Assuming that you are bringing the time ahead, rather than deferring it to the morrow, perhaps something roughly like this:

set plngHours to 19 -- e.g. 7pm

tell application id "OFOC"
	tell default document
		set lstTasks to flattened tasks where (due date is not missing value)
		repeat with oTask in lstTasks
			set dteDue to due date of oTask
			if hours of dteDue = 0 and minutes of dteDue = 0 then
				set dteDue to (dteDue - days) -- previous day
				set hours of dteDue to plngHours
				set due date of oTask to dteDue
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

Last edited by RobTrew; 2012-04-23 at 11:40 AM.. Reason: edited code: added a 'previous day' line
Hello RobTrew,
fantastic! That is exactly what I was looking for.
Thanks very much for your great help!

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