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different page-setup for each canvas Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is there a way to print a document that has multiple page-setups?

If I had document with a canvases that were 17x22 and 4.5x5.8, and they were each set to print on a single printer sheet, then I could show an object at different magnifications without resizing it.

All I have figured out is to have different canvas sizes but only one page-setup for the whole document, so that canvas sizes are all print at the same magnification.

Last edited by MatthewS; 2012-05-16 at 10:08 AM..
Have you tried using the "Print canvas on one printer sheet" checkbox (and only that one) in the Canvas Size inspector? That would seem to do what you want, but I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do.
Originally Posted by john.gersh View Post
...I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do.
It's a complicated issue, but I assure you it is important (and other software apps like AutoCad and Visio can do it)

Let me put it this way: Omnigraffle doesn't resize fonts well. Enlarge an object with text, means resizing the text by hand and but to do so accurately would require text sizes to be in complicated fractions. If I could duplicate a canvas & resize it instead , then I could change the visible size of a component without ever having to resize it. What's more, I could keep better control of the magnification. I could have a canvas that views objects at x2 and so on.

The feature was originally requirement for CAD designers who needed to show close-ups to objects that couldn't be resized such as a bolts with a certain thread.
I think a work around is to use master objects, since a copy seems to be able to be resized without affecting the original.

I can resize it by % with the size slider in the Style:Image Inspector.

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