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Quick Entry: How to create a new project in a folder? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
This is probably a simple thing -- but it still eludes me.

How do I create a new project in the quick entry window UNDER a folder? When i try the : trick, the project name ends up having the : in it. Ie, if I want to create a project 'buy a widget' under the folder 'work', I'd try typing 'work:buy a widget' in the project box then cmd-enter. But it just shows up as work:buy a widget!

Any suggestions?

Thanks guys!
I don't see this happening soon. I think you just have to create the project in your library, then later in OF move it into the folder.

The UI would be tricky, but maybe being able to hit some key after the folder part autocompletes to lock/or confirm that, then keep typing to enter the project name.

Or why not simply have OF parse the ":" and use it to drop the new project into the appropriate folder. Why would that be so difficult?

The matching functionality of OF would naturally lend itself to making this a fairly accurate process. I think its a key feature perosnally. Dragging around projects is so cumbersome..
It's easy unless someone wants to use a colon in their project names, which from the postings I've seen, a lot of people do. We have discussed this internally, but not sure when we'll get around to deciding on a good syntax and implementing it.
the : is the project identifier in task paper .
If lot's of people are using : how about > ?
or , could the parser , parse the folder names also and bring those up as the first option if it finds a match . ?
That's a good thought.. or just have a preference to set the identifier and flip on/off the feature. It's a good feature to have and not having it does at some level limit the utility of the folders..

Of course, just my two cents.

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