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how to quickly see total open tasks for each context Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
How does one set OF to show the number of all tasks open for a particular context? The iPhone app shows this by the small grey text with, "2 available" for example. Is there a way to set this up on the desktop app as well? I can't seem to find this in the preferences.
I've been fooling around for a while, trying to get this feature on the desktop version but can't figure it out. Is it possible??
This feature doesn't exist in the desktop app right now. But you could determine it with scripting, as many have already done (search these forums, particularly the extras forum).

You can also make a feature request by going to Help->Send Feedback in OmniFocus.

Kurt Clifton also made a great dashboard widget that shows that breakdown.
My Dashboard widget is available here.


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