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Due and Flag Perspective Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I'm, probably, missing something but how do I see available actions that are flagged and also due actions in the same perspective?
Update - Yes I was missing something. I think I can see what is happening. When I flagged a project I expected all the actions under it to be displayed in my perspective. Looks like it doesn't work that way. Can anyone explain why OF does it that way?

Last edited by ade; 2009-04-09 at 08:32 AM.. Reason: figured it out - I think.
Actions of a project do indeed inherit the projects flagged state, so the actions must be hidden for some other reason.

What sort of perspective are you using? What are your view bar settings? Are you in Context Mode or Planning Mode?

I've noticed this behaviour too, actions in a flagged project don't showing as flagged in context. Seems a bit odd to me; is it because of the gtd rule "you cannot do projects"?
Anyway, i would vote for changing this.
Originally Posted by curt.clifton View Post
Actions of a project do indeed inherit the projects flagged state, so the actions must be hidden for some other reason.

What sort of perspective are you using? What are your view bar settings? Are you in Context Mode or Planning Mode?
Hi Curt
Yes, I'm using the view bar and have tried a variety of settings. For example:
Context mode
Group by Context
Sort by Project
Show Actions: Due or Flagged (I want to see both due and all flagged)
Duration: Any
Any State

I also noticed that when I flag the top of a hierarchy the individual items don't get flagged with a hot flag - its a ghost flag. That must mean something, but I'm not sure what.

I'll explain what I'm trying to achieve. My overall goal is to have a single perspective (lets call it Today) in which I'd like to see everything I expect to do Today. Logically, if I'm working on a project I will chunk it down in to achievable pieces and I'd like to flag the top of the hierarchy for that sub project (for want of a better term) and see all the actions in my Today Perspective. Instead I'm finding that I need to flag all actions.
Taking this a step further, one of the many, delights of GTD is that of focus and in to that comes not having to worry about sequence. Now, if I set my sub project up to run in sequence and I flag it I would have expected the available task to be the first one in the sequence and for it to appear in my Today Perspective regardless of due date. When I complete it I expected the next task to appear in the context it needs to be done in and so on. It's great to work in autopilot!
(As an aside - if I remove the flag and use due dates, but keep the actions running in sequence, I see all the actions in my Due and Today perspective. So I'm back to having to work out which action I have to do next and I have to go back to a project view to work that out.
Perhaps, I'm asking a bit much here.)
I'm thinking that there must be a reason why the flag isn't inherited fully lower in the hierarchy but I'm not seeing it at the moment.

Last edited by ade; 2009-04-10 at 03:00 AM.. Reason: typo
Originally Posted by curt.clifton View Post
Actions of a project do indeed inherit the projects flagged state, so the actions must be hidden for some other reason.

What sort of perspective are you using? What are your view bar settings? Are you in Context Mode or Planning Mode?
But this doesn't work properly in "Due or Flagged." Currently, in DOF it only shows _explicitly_ flagged items. Where in flagged mode, it shows ones that are _implicitly_ flagged as well. I'd consider this a bug, and it's been reported a couple times.
Originally Posted by CatOne View Post
But this doesn't work properly in "Due or Flagged." Currently, in DOF it only shows _explicitly_ flagged items. Where in flagged mode, it shows ones that are _implicitly_ flagged as well. I'd consider this a bug, and it's been reported a couple times.
And, according to the release notes, fixed in the latest sneaky peek!

Get yours here (if you're not afraid of betas).

Originally Posted by curt.clifton View Post
And, according to the release notes, fixed in the latest sneaky peek!

Get yours here (if you're not afraid of betas).
I have a problem in the due or flag. I wish I could use this, but if I choose due or flag, it will show me all the actions that are flagged, including projects; and that would mean showing ALL the actions of that project, when I only want the next action.

Why not include the due or flag in the "flagged, not flagged, any flag" visual?
Originally Posted by Alfonso24 View Post
Why not include the due or flag in the "flagged, not flagged, any flag" visual?
I made the exact same comment over here. I can't imagine the use case for the current "Due and Flagged" view. It makes much more sense for it to be in the "Flagged/Not Flagged" filter. Submit feedback!

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