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Hi Guys,

I am running 5.9.2 Sneekypeek ( v622.7..0.110050 )

I have noticed recently that when I open a site in a new window that, and all subsequent windows , come up in Full Screen -- which is great.
Please put my mind at rest - has it been this way for some time and I have just missed it ?

If so then sorry to have troubled you.
Thanks for any replies.
This is a new feature we added in the recent sneakypeeks. If you prefer the old behavior, you can use the "save window size" item in the window menu to pick a window size you want to use.

(A checkbox appears next to the menu item when there's a window size saved now.)
Full screen? I don't see anything for full screen; although that would be an awesome feature...
Thanks for the reply Brian although, on checking this also seems to be the case in O/W 5.8.

I like the way this works.It seems to be just a case of pulling the window to fit the screen and then remembering the window size.Or am I just being too simple ?

What do you reckon Handycam ?
Originally Posted by igsy View Post
Thanks for the reply Brian although, on checking this also seems to be the case in O/W 5.8.

I like the way this works.It seems to be just a case of pulling the window to fit the screen and then remembering the window size.Or am I just being too simple ?

What do you reckon Handycam ?
It sounds to me like you just have your window size saved to fill the whole screen.

Brian was referring to the fact that we changed the feature a little so that if you do not have a window size saved it will automatically remember your window size like Safari does.

In the sneaky peeks you can tell if your window size is saved by a checkmark next to the "Save Window Size" setting in the Window menu.
Troy Brandt
Omni Person
Thanks Troy,

I see that is what is happening.

However, many people seem to be keen to have "Full screen " is this not a simple way for them to have it ?

Again sorry if this is a silly question but I am not,as you will guess,really very
techno. savvy.
To make your browser window full screen in OmniWeb, you just have to shift-click the green window zoom button (you might have to do it more than once as it toggles between three different sizes). Once there, you can save the window size if that is how you would like it to be for all other windows.
Thanks Jonathan,

That's neat -- same as in Camino.

Like most people I guess I don't want full screen all the time but in some situations it is very useful.

Every time I open OmniWeb it opens the browser page in a small window. I then have to adjust it to the size I want. I have tried to save this setting by closing and reopening but nothing works. How can I get the window size to stay the same for every time that I launch OmniWeb?
Originally Posted by gameboy213 View Post
Every time I open OmniWeb it opens the browser page in a small window. I then have to adjust it to the size I want. I have tried to save this setting by closing and reopening but nothing works. How can I get the window size to stay the same for every time that I launch OmniWeb?
Set up your window the way you want it, then do the Window->Save Window Size command...

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