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Why is this action purple? [ANSWER: Use single action list if no next action wanted] Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
All projects have a next action, even parallel ones. You may still have one action in the group that you'd most like to accomplish...
Making a list parallel affects whether its actions are all available (black) or whether all but the first is blocked (gray), but the top action in the list is still highlighted as the single "next" action (purple).

If you'd rather not visually distinguish between available and next actions, you can change the styles in Style Preferences so they match: just drag the style for "Actions" over the style for "Next Actions" to make them all black (or vice versa to make them all purple).
Another option might be to convert your project to a single-action list, where each action is considered independent and there's no "next action" styling.

Thanks! That makes sense. I went with the single action list.
Hi guys

my question is: Why is the first action marked with purple color even though there are another actions with earlier due date and those are not purple?
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Name:	Screen shot 2010-01-22 at 20.37.15.png
Views:	1583
Size:	46.9 KB
ID:	1238  
The purple styling indicates (by default) that that action is a Next Action. If there are multiple candidates to be the Next Action, the one listed first is chosen. If you dragged the xxxx (Germany) action group to the top, the first available action there (Get Moving Calculation) would be colored purple. Note that you've set due dates, not start dates, and due dates have no influence whatsoever on what is considered a Next Action. Start dates, on the other hand, are very important, as an action or project or action group with a start date in the future will not be considered to be a Next Action until that start date is reached.

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