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Feature request: Select defaulted date/time for due dates Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Sometimes I like to drop in a single action into my Inbox, one which I want to make sure I do today. I'll tap in the item into my Inbox, and then tap the due date, wanting to set the due date and time such that the red badge will include this action. When I tap on the "due" item the next windows opens, with the rotary wheels that allow me to select things. Frankly, which I'd like to do is simply tap (or double-tap) the default, because it's "today" at 5:00 PM, which will at least guarantee that the action will show up as due soon. Alas, by tapping the default setting nothing happens, so I usually move the date to the day before or the day after, and then slide it back to "today," which will change the content of the 'due' row towards the top of the screen. So then I can tap "Save," and get on to other things.

Surely tapping the default entry fires off some event or other that could be captured to save the user a few clicks. Would you all consider this?
They will if you send it in with the Send Feedback command or email I've asked for this, too!
I've also been meaning to send in a request for this. While writing up the request, I was playing with the UI for this. Perhaps you knew this, but it turns out that you don't have to scroll to another day and scroll back. It suffices to "wiggle" the scroll wheel. That's saves a moment anyway.



I usually flick the AM/PM indicator, since it has limit stops on both ends and no real precision is required.

Instinctively, it sure seems like if you go to a screen and the defaults presented are what you want, mashing the Save button ought to save those values! Who would accept as reasonable behavior a web form that filled in some defaults, but didn't actually save them unless you edited them ever so slightly?
It feels strange to tell you this, Bill, but I wasn't suggesting that your feature request was unreasonable. I was merely suggesting a workaround (that requires less movement than a double flick) until the development team gets around to implementing your feature request.



No worries, I didn't take it that way at all -- it wouldn't even occur to me that a gentleman and a scholar such as yourself would suggest that one of my suggestions might be unreasonable! :D

I fished my iPod out of my pocket, tried your suggestion, and decided it works fine (of course) seated at my desk, but that mine was a little more robust for my use when walking around, which is what I'm usually doing when using OF on the iPod. I do get fewer funny looks from the people on the trail now than I did walking around trying to use my MacBook to do the same thing!

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