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Please make it optional to show projects in context lists (1.8) Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Dear Omnifocus developers,

please allow me to use my current workflow in version 1.8 and above.

That's all I'll ask for.

As with the 1.8 preview my context lists are messed up with projects and actions on the same list.

I don't want this. Version 1.8 can't show my context lists the same way as 1.7 no matter how hard you try with the new avalible options and "hacks" discussed on the forum.

That's all I want; to be able to show my context lists exactly as in 1.7.

That's not asking for too much. It's just plain logic. It's taking care of the customers.

Please Omnifocus developers,
make project appearance in context lists optional.

That's all I'll ask for.
I absolutely agree. All we need is a global application preference that will filter out all projects and group actions from context perspectives.

I hope the developers will not turn a blind eye to this pressing request from numerous users.
I totally agree.

General request to Omni Group: If you _change_ some ways OmniFocus works*, could you please give us an option to keep it working the way we're used to it? Would be really great.

* For example: I really hate the fact that since OmniFocus for iPhone 1.6 Inbox items clutter up Context mode and there's no option to get back to normal.
I'd also prefer this proposed change.

In my workflow, having projects and task groups listed in context view doesn't make sense and just adds clutter to the context lists.
Click your heels together three times and click on the following link:


Existing windows will not be affected.
Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Click your heels together three times and click on the following link:


Existing windows will not be affected.
Note: this setting works even without using your heels.

Where do you get this information from?

Originally Posted by whpalmer4 View Post
Click your heels together three times and click on the following link:


Existing windows will not be affected.
Hah! Really, really relieved to read this. Thank you, whpalmer! I'm sure your post has made numerous users very happy.

I understand the reasoning supporting the new behavior of projects and group tasks that Omni is introducing in OF 1.8. What I do not like is the implementation: Forcing the user to enter an arbitrary context or, as an equally ugly alternative, put the project/group in the "no context" black list.

Here is a possible workaround that is conceptually elegant and user-friendly: Tweak the OF code so that all projects/groups are internally assumed to belong in all contexts that the project's/group's completed and remaining actions collectively belong in. In this scenario, upon completing all children actions the parent project/group will appear as available in all contexts of the completed children.

An alternative solution—easier in terms of engineering, it seems to me—is for Omni to automatically and non-modifiably place all projects/groups in a dedicated "context" called "Projects/Groups" or something, without requiring the user to set that context or any other context as the default for each project/group.

Last edited by macula; 2010-02-19 at 02:25 AM..
Originally Posted by fedex View Post
Note: this setting works even without using your heels.

Where do you get this information from?

Yes please. Can you point me where I can read more about this, what it does, and what I'm doing when I 'invoke it'?

This is a link to the OmniFocus plist file, the preference file. There is no current user interface for this switch.

If you clicked on it and want to set it back to showing groups/projects in the context, here is a link for that as well.

Let me add my vote for somehow making it optional.

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