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straight lines Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I know this is such a basic question but being totally new to OmniGraffle I can't seem to find the answer. I am using version 3.2 and trying to do a simple flowchart. For some reason when I draw lines between shapes I can't seem to get them to be at right angles. They are all tilted slightly. I read somewhere you could hold the shift but that doesn't seem to do it. Also, in the Line Inspector why is not a straight line shown as an option?
You need to still be holding the shift key down when you stop drawing the line by double-clicking. Any of the 3 line choices in the line inspector will draw a straight line if you keep the shift key down...
Thanks. Why is it that when I am connecting from one shape to another when I get near the last shape the line tilts slightly vs drawing straight into the shape? I can't seem to make the line hit the last shape at a 90 degree angle. I held the shift key down as described but that didn't seem to work. And then I double clicked but it starts drawing another line away from the last object.
Originally Posted by rickc View Post
Thanks. Why is it that when I am connecting from one shape to another when I get near the last shape the line tilts slightly vs drawing straight into the shape? I can't seem to make the line hit the last shape at a 90 degree angle. I held the shift key down as described but that didn't seem to work. And then I double clicked but it starts drawing another line away from the last object.
I have been noticing this too. Omnigraffle seems to be pointing the lines end near the target shape, towards the center of the target shape. Specially when you add an arrow-head, this makes the asthetics of the arrow not very nice. If I have a rectangle shape, I cannot have multiple separated lines connect to one side of the shape, all perpendicular to that side (see attachment).

Unless I am missing something, a tweak to improve that layout would be welcome. Attached (Picture 3, colored) is a comparison of line ends in another app, they are not perpendicular yet their aesthetics are much nicer, without the little "dip" that Omni seems to do near the line end.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Picture 2.png
Views:	948
Size:	16.1 KB
ID:	1296   Click image for larger version

Name:	Picture 3.png
Views:	949
Size:	4.0 KB
ID:	1297  

Last edited by Sophie; 2010-03-06 at 02:16 PM..

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