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iCal Export format Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
So, I was just wondering actually, if it would be possible for OmniPlan to export multiday tasks as multiple 7/8 hr iCal events, rather than one huge 48/72 hour one.

Specifically - if I have a project "Build Sets" that takes three days, it should take from 8:00 to 5:00 for three days, not from 8:00 to 5:00 three days later - which is a LOT more time.

It's not currently possible, but I'll add a feature request to make that an option.

On an entirely different note, will there be a price break for multi-seat licenses of Omniplan?

Officially, I can't say anything.
Unofficially, I'd guess we'll have a similar licensing scheme to our other apps.
Has there been any progress in the export arena? The ics export seems like it should have a few more options for the tasks. For example making it all day instead of even the 8-5 option.
I also do not like those 24hour-stripes!
Seems no one has asked about this in a couple of years. I'm currently trying out OmniPlan and love many things about it. But when I export to iCal, a simple four hour task (assigned to a resource that works only one hour a day) turns into a four-day-long event--very confusing and really decreases the usefulness of the iCal export.

Any progress on this front? Has this been fixed, and I am just doing something wrong? If not, can anyone suggest some creative work-arounds?

If you go to the export panel in OmniPlan and select "iCalendar" from the format list, you can choose whether it's exported as one event per task or one even per work period.
I myself have tried both options while exporting from OP as "iCalendar" (per task and per work period) however these both result in events broken into sessions according to my work week (defined in OP), rather than spanning days or even weeks. I have even tried changing the "Granularity" (Project:Information) to "Daily", but to no avail....

any other thoughts?

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