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How can you make a Column Style *override* a Row Style? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I expected this to be a simple thing to do - control the style of text in column 2 (and 3, 4, etc) and have it override the style of rows in column 1. But, I can't seem to do it. What am I missing?

As a side note:

I'm spending a few days trying out various writing/outlining/brainstorming programs and, so far, styles are the most frustrating aspect of OO.

Here's an idea: You know that little style window where you can globally adjust styles (in theory) for "All level 1 rows", "All level 2 rows", etc? It'd be great if the user could use that window to drag those style categories up and down, thus adjusting their hierarchy.
It'd be kind of like in video and graphics apps (after effects, final cut pro), where you apply multiple plug-ins to the same pieces of media. What's important is the render hierarchy - which plug-ins get rendered before others. And you adjust that hierarchy by dragging the plugins up and down.

So, for example, if I wanted a particular Column's style to override all the "...rows" I would just drag it up (in that global style window thing) so it's higher than those other style categories.

And if I wanted to override my chosen hierarchies (break my own rules) I would have to go in and highlight specific text (or rows or whatever) and change those styles individually .

Maybe OO should have never introduced columns to begin with (though I'm glad it did, in theory) because it requires working outside of the "outline" philosophy (parent/child, hierarchical relationships).
The thing is, once you create second column of info, the content in that column is not in a parent/child relationship with the content in the first column. It's in a parallel value relationship. It's an equal. So it needs to be treated as such.

Last edited by JimmyMcVideo; 2010-04-16 at 12:11 PM..
I'm having the same problem. I'm trying to put together an outline for my final exams, and I made a few columns to enter cites to sources. I don't want these columns to have the same style as the column/row where my actual outline is contained. Is there a way to make a Column's style independent of the Row style?

A quick search of the forum revealed that this is a known issue, and that there is no solution. If anyone knows of an actual solution I would be very greatful.
So, for example, if I wanted a particular Column's style to override all the "...rows" I would just drag it up (in that global style window thing) so it's higher than those other style categories.
I agree. Or rather, any way of overriding the default hierarchy would be great.

I am taking notes from a textbook and I have a separate column devoted to page number references. I would like the ability to give these page numbers all the same weight, as they aren't as important as the main content in my outline.

This problem is pretty frustrating, to the extent that it was the main thing holding me back from purchasing OmniOutliner (although in the end I bought it because the strengths of OOP outweigh the difficulty in using styles).

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