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Project Percentage Complete? Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
We're new to OmniFocus/OmniView and I've been tasked with figuring out how to report the percentage complete for any projects (contexts) we've set up with sub-tasks. From what I've been reading it doesn't sound like this is part of the GTD methodology, nor do I see any ability to report this based on my initial investigation. Is there a way to easily report the percent completed based on the number of open tasks vs. total tasks? I realize this is inappropriate unless all tasks are equal, but we're trying to legitimize the use of OF within our department for a multi-project, multi-personnel environment.

Or is there another Omni product that integrates with OF/OV to provide this capability?
Omnifocus is not quite constructed as a collaborative/project management tool. For that, the Omnigroup has the software Omniplan that I recommend you check out. As for Omniview, I have never used it, I thought it was a tool for working with SQL-data.
If you have a more specific outline of the workflow you intend to perform with Omni-products, I am sure someone in the forum can share their experiences. There is also a separate forum for Omniplan.

If your needs are basic, there is always the possibility to export an Omnifocus project to a .csv, open it with Excel, Numbers or any other spreadsheet software and fill in any custom columns you might need (although you will not get that info back into OF, of course). Just press Cmd+Alt+E or use the "File" menu in OF and it will create an export of the active window. You can then keep a short cut to the spreadsheet under the project header in OF, for example. Just drag the file onto the element where you wish to place it.

Last edited by Arild; 2010-09-08 at 03:26 AM..
Ah, I originally thought OmniView was simply OmniFocus on the iPhone. I stand corrected. We are only using OmniFocus for the Mac as the primary database and have OmniFocus for the iPhone on about 10 different iPhones. The basic workflow that I'm asking for percentage reports is the following:

1. Create a primary action.
2. Create several sub-actions.
3. Complete one of the sub-actions.

I would like to have a way to show the percentage complete for the primary action for reporting purposes. This assumes all sub-actions are equal in value.

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