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Fixed width plain text export spaces columns too far apart Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I have a fairly large OO document that I want to regularly export to plain text at monthly intervals for a backup. I use the fixed width export option, and everything works fine as far as lining up, except that the columns are very far apart, like 30 to 40 spaces. This makes it impossible to read without stretching the window size like 10 times. I know that the text area in preferences is supposed to deal with this and I have spaces between columns set to 2, so why is it putting so many spaces in? I've attached an example from two columns to show the large distance between them.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	Screen shot 2010-09-09 at 8.07.38 PM.png
Views:	1093
Size:	10.7 KB
ID:	1559  
My apologies: the UI for controlling plain text column widths is in the Page Setup dialog, a rather non-obvious location. (It should probably move to the Column Type inspector, though then it would be sort of in-your-face whether or not you ever exported anything as text. Maybe preferences, if we had any document-specific preferences? Anyway, I digress…)

Select Page Setup from the File menu, then select OmniOutliner Settings. Click on the "Columns" settings, and there you'll see a table listing all your columns and specifying how many characters wide each column will be when you copy or export your outline as plain text. Change those to whatever you prefer, and it will save your new settings with the document.

Hope this helps!

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