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Can't enter any text in Title field Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I just loaded 1.7.2 onto my iPhone with Version 4.1 (8B117).

I can't enter anything in the Title and Notes. That is, I see the screen with the white bubble divided by a line, and nothing happens when I tap anywhere. Well, sometimes one of the entry areas will turn solid blue for a tenth of a second.

Anyone else have this problem?

Will 1.7.3 fix this? When will it be available?

I had the same issue and deleted the reinstalled the App and on the 3rd install I could then get the cursor and enter the text.
Just installed 1.7.3 and I can't add any text either. No keyboard appears.


Deleted App and reinstalled. Seems to work now. Online help appears broken though...

Last edited by davidgordon; 2010-09-26 at 10:00 AM.. Reason: updated info added
Originally Posted by davidgordon View Post
Just installed 1.7.3 and I can't add any text either. No keyboard appears.


Deleted App and reinstalled. Seems to work now. Online help appears broken though...
Hmm.. what exactly do you mean by 'online help appears broken'? Taping the 'Online help' button in the settings menu should take you to Safari and to Omni's iPhone help website. I've just tried it now and the website is working–but your post is from a few days ago so maybe this has already been resolved?
I've just downloaded OmniFocus on to my iPhone 4 today, deleted and reinstalled and am having the exact same problem. I wondered if I was just doing something wrong? But what?
Have just read on the forum about sending help request from the app. Tried that no keyboard there either!
Try restarting the phone. Hold down button at top until you get the power down slider, slide it, wait for phone to shut down, then turn it back on. This appears to have done the trick for others.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You whpalmer4.

Hugely fast response AND it worked! Yah!

I really want this set up for a busy week ahead and am so relieved.
Originally Posted by satcomtim View Post
I had the same issue and deleted the reinstalled the App and on the 3rd install I could then get the cursor and enter the text.
I had the same problem as mentioned above...(I am also using iPhone OS 4.1). This worked for me as well. Go ahead and delete the app from your iPhone, and then re-download it. It won't cost you anything to re-download. iTunes keeps track of apps that you have already purchased, so you won't have to pay for it again.
Nice quick fix, but I hope they take care of this because it kind of freaked me out when I got the app. I looked a little like this: :eek:

Last edited by jgrese; 2010-10-23 at 08:42 AM..
I had the same problem with brand new iPhone - and the advise from whpalmer4 worked perfectly: "Hold down button at top until you get the power down slider, slide it, wait for phone to shut down, then turn it back on." Thanks

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