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Duplicating Projects Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Is it possible in OF to copy a project/actions to reuse at a later date. I have a project that is reoccuring about every quarter and having a way to "boilerplate" a project would be nice instead of having to reenter all the actions again.

Just starting to learn OF on the Mac during the trial period and purchased the iPhone version based on what I saw with the Mac version.

Thanks for a great product.

Certainly is. If your project will be identical, you can just make a folder to store your template project(s). You can mark the folder as Dropped so the projects won't show up in your lists. Then when you need one, set the sidebar filter to show all projects, go to that folder, select the project, and duplicate it with cmd-D or Edit->Duplicate. Drag the new project to where you want it and you are all set.

For a more advanced approach, check out Curt Clifton's Populate Template Placeholders script. MacSparky has a nice writeup of it here:
Thanks whpalmer4 for more great advice. I will need to check this out also.

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