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Exporting and sharing an OF file for someone else Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
If possible, I would like to provide an OF file, which is an export of an existing file, then modified. I know how to export, but where does this file or hierarchy get placed on another user's account so it becomes his default OF file, including Perspectives if that is possible?

Is it this structure, and if so, how do I move the file into it?

$ /Users/otheruser/Library/Caches/Metadata/com.omnigroup.OmniFocus


No. Your OmniFocus database is in ~/Library/Application Support/OmniFocus/Omnifocus.ofocus.

It's easy enough though to just do File->Back Up Database... and save the file somewhere. Copy it to another machine (or email it, or whatever), then from another machine do File->Revert to Database Backup... and import the file you exported.
You can't add data directly to the cache.

I usually export and import as TaskPaper-formatted text.
Originally Posted by RobTrew View Post
I usually export and import as TaskPaper-formatted text.
Rock on Rob!

Thank you for posting the links to your cool scripts for importing and exporting to and from TaskPaper and OmniFocus. It really helped me out. Thanks again. I saved the link using a bitly short link:

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