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Forecast improvements Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
LOVE the forecast view...

But I would like to see the option for a couple of things:

1. The option for starred items to constantly show in forecast.
2. More importantly, the option for tasks that are started to remain in forecast past their start date. Right now they show up on the day that they start and then the following day they disappear.

Right now my work around is to either defer start dates at the end of the day or to use due dates instead so that I can track things in the past.

Am I missing anything, or is there another workaround?

Thanks for posting these, Chris - we've got feature requests open on these; I'll add your post to the development database so the rest of the team will know you'd like to see this added. Appreciate the help!
Good suggestions tvchris. The past start date disappearing is defo counterintuitive! Think starred or flagged option/filter would also be good.
Just asking the question-but wouldn't including all tasks that have already started in the past plus showing all flagged tasks in the Forecast view defeat the purpose of, or go counter-intuitive to the definition of, a forecast view?
Originally Posted by Greg Jones View Post
Just asking the question-but wouldn't including all tasks that have already started in the past plus showing all flagged tasks in the Forecast view defeat the purpose of, or go counter-intuitive to the definition of, a forecast view?
I agree, I think that this should be an option. Flagged tasks are available under the Flagged option.

I only want to see things relevant to today.
I also think Forecast view is simply awesome.

One suggestion though, I noticed the iOS calendar integration in Forecast view seems better on the iPhone version than the iPad version. It is easier at a glance to see your appointments on the iPhone as you see the details on each appointment right away.

On the iPad you only see the timeslot is booked , with no details of what the appointment is unless you touch the timeslot to get its details.

Could you have an option on the iPad to choose the presentation that iPhone uses ?


I wish that forecast was a view option (like Available/Remaining etc.) so I could see a forecast for a particular project or context or set it in a perspective (from the Mac).

I love the forecast view but mine is usually full of trivia with the important stuff hard to spot. I have perspectives/contexts that easily eliminate that, but there's currently no way to take advantage of that in the forecast view.
Originally Posted by tvchris View Post
LOVE the forecast view...

Right now my work around is to either defer start dates at the end of the day or to use due dates instead so that I can track things in the past.

Am I missing anything, or is there another workaround?

The same with me. Could you add a feature, that shows continuous actions in the forecast?
What's the difference between having the Forecast view show all available actions and looking at your Context view and showing all available actions?

I might be missing something here, but it seems the request would just clutter up the forecast view.

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