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Issue with repeating items duplicating Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I don't know why when i'm using Omni Sync Server my tasks duplicate?!
Sorry for the trouble! The most common cause of something like this is when the same repeating action is checked off on two different devices that are out of sync.

They each create a next iteration of the action; when they sync up, each device gets the one from the other device. There is something that can help prevent this: when switching devices, sync the one you're switching away from, then the one you're switching to. It leaves less room for this kind of thing to happen.

If that doesn't sound like what you're seeing, please contact our support ninjas; with a copy of your database and some info on which tasks are the ones that look wrong to you, we can try and figure out what happened and get it fixed if it's a bug.
I'm having an issue whenever I create a repeating item.

(I have OF for desktop, iPhone, iPad)

After creating the item, and checking it as completed, it will show as duplicated for the next day.

So if there was an event on Monday to pet the dog, and that I check *completed*, it shows up twice on Tuesday to pet the dog.

On Wednesday I know have to pet the dog three times.

The dog likes this, but somewhat annoying on my end.

Any suggestions appreciated.

Sorry for the trouble this is causing, Mike! Someone asked a similar question earlier today - I'm going to move your post to their thread; if the answer I gave there doesn't sound like it matches what you're asking about, go ahead and contact our support ninjas. We'll be happy to investigate this with you.

(I'll also re-title the thread to make it a bit more obvious what the thread is discussing.)
Make sense Brian.

I'll give that a try. Thanks greatly.

Exactly I have same problems like yours!

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