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emphasis on using the keyboard to assign context Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
Please allow contexts to be assigned by keyboard. Some easy keyboard interface to assign contexts. Even allowing quicksilver or launchbar to assign contexts would be helpful. Not tying down contexts to specific kestrokes, but allowing to be search upon like QS or LB allows and then assigned.

And it would be nice to allow my task list context to be assigned by the keyboard as well.

command+spacebar brings up the task list
c brings up calls
and I'm looking at calls.

Then I can move up and down the tasks and complete using the keyboard. Would be nice if I could use jkli to move up and down instead of moving my hand over to the arrows. I use DVORAK, so having those keys mapped to the physical key instead of the character would also be helpful.

If you open the application up enough to applescript, scripts could be utilized to do this as well. But would be a workaround. Would be nice if OmniFocus had an easy way to assign contexts and select my current context.

Thank you.
I think you will be really happy with our Quick Entry panel. We will also integrate with QS, but we think you will prefer working with our Quick Entry panel because it was designed specifically for working with OmniFocus.

The Omni Group
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