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I want to assign some tasks to an employee under a context named after that employee. I want to be able to view my own tasks under 'Forecast' without my employees assigned tasks showing on my list.

Does anyone know whether this is possible or of a way to keep track of what has been assigned to my employee without it showing up in my own tasks on the due date?

Any help or advice would be appreciated.

If you put the waiting context on hold, then set forecast to only show available tasks, this should work.
I have a similar requirement. Here is my approach:

Create a "Waiting For" context.
Then create a sub-context under it for each employee.

Waiting For
> Bob
> Sue
> Sarah
> Tim

Set all of these context to "On Hold".

This means that any action with any of these contexts will not show up if your view option is set to "Available" - which is the pretty much the only view option I use except when doing my review.
(They will show up if you change the view to "Remaining" or "All")

This also means that they will not show up in Forecast view...
...unless you do one of two things:

1) set a due date on the action - in which case it will show in the forecast as a due item.
2) Set a start date on the item AND have "Days Show Starting Items" ticked in the Forecast view options.

So to answer a specific in your question - if it has a due date it will show in forecast and you can't get around that.
So I use the generally accepted best practise on due dates - only use them if it is a genuine deadline. That way I use the due dates to ensure forecast automagically gives me visibility of things I really do need to chase from employees.

Separate to the forecast view I have a "Waiting For" Perspective which shows all items with the "Waiting For" context regardless of availability, start date or due date - a one stop list of all the things I am waiting on from employees. I check this every morning first thing and if there is something on it that I want to action that day, or if I think an employee needs a nudge, I change the task from "Waiting For X from Tim" to "Chase X from Tim" and give it an active my case "Office".

I hope that isn't too convoluted...and helps!

Wow, I never realized that Forecast view has the option of showing starting items. Was this always an option, or has it been recently added? I've wished for this option ever since using OF for iPhone, never noticed that it was/is now possible. Thanks for the hint!
It's been there for a long time...

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