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Total Cost for a Resource Thread Tools Search this Thread Display Modes
I've set up a plan with an undetermined date
I've entered tasks and resources

Currently the total plan lasts about a day and a half (in reallity the project will likely last weeks. Lots of little bits spread out over days). I've just got it compressed to make sure the tasks are in the correct order and that the dependencies are logical. I was also hoping to have an idea of the cost of the man hours involved. All resources have a cost per hour value entered.

One of the resources does not have much time in total in the project. But, the resource has time allocated across both days of the plan. The total hours and total cost are calculated based on the beginning time of the first task and the ending time of the last task for this resource. That's not right.

Another resource has tasks going into the second day, but the total hours and total cost is only calculated on actual time spent.

The only difference between the two is that the "problem" resource has a milestone as one of its tasks


(how do you edit your own post?) (okay, now I see it)

at any rate, I've found the problem but don't know how to fix it.

I exported to an HTML file (the whole thing). Found that 1 of the 3 milestones assigned to the "problem" resource has 1 day as the duration. The other 2 have no duration.

What do I do?
Delete the task and start over? I've looked at the information of the task in the Inspector and it's definitely set up as a milestone.


Originally Posted by HunterBoss
(how do you edit your own post?) (okay, now I see it)

at any rate, I've found the problem but don't know how to fix it.

I exported to an HTML file (the whole thing). Found that 1 of the 3 milestones assigned to the "problem" resource has 1 day as the duration. The other 2 have no duration.

What do I do?
Delete the task and start over? I've looked at the information of the task in the Inspector and it's definitely set up as a milestone.


Would you be able to send in your file that has this milestone with a duration? You can send it to

If deleting and replacing the milestone that has a duration fixes your problem, I'd recommend you try that.
Mr. Wong (?)

I will first send in the file to you guys to have a look at it, then I will delete that task and let you know what happened.


Originally Posted by HunterBoss
Mr. Wong (?)

I will first send in the file to you guys to have a look at it, then I will delete that task and let you know what happened.


No mister required, you can just call me Aaron. :-)

Thanks for letting us take a look at your file, I'll keep an eye out for your email.

I kind of hate it when things fix them selves like that. I've not been able to look at this for a few days now.

I don't know how many times the lap top's been restarted since I posted this issue. But, wouldn't you know it, it's all better now.

Thanks for trying.

Originally Posted by HunterBoss

I kind of hate it when things fix them selves like that. I've not been able to look at this for a few days now.

I don't know how many times the lap top's been restarted since I posted this issue. But, wouldn't you know it, it's all better now.

Thanks for trying.

Well, that was easy. ;-)

If you see this (or any) issue again, go ahead and email it over to and I'll check it out. Thanks Christopher!

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